...About Child Custody and Child Support

What is the legal process for obtaining custody?

Taylor’s Answer: We know that your child is the most import thing in your life. Under North Carolina law, 监护权案件中的“北极星”是未成年子女的最大利益. We will focus on that aspect, plus any other aspect of the child’s life including the health, education, social interaction, religion and any other aspect that is important to you as a parent. 我们会一起为你和另一位家长制定监护时间表如果另一位家长适合陪你的孩子的话. In some cases, 我们可以在没有法院参与的情况下制定出一个完整的监护时间表.  然而,在其他案件中,我们寻求法院的协助,以命令一个拘留时间表. Before the court will hear your custody case, 没有家庭暴力的情况下,你必须参加与另一方家长的调解. 最后,你会收到一份法院命令,列出你孩子的监护时间表. 谢谢你考虑在皇冠足彩app找监护律师. 
– Taylor Clay is an attorney with Woodruff Family Law Group

How will Child Support affect my taxes?

Carolyn’s Answer: Divorce taxation issues can be confusing.  我们今天在这里讨论孩子的抚养费以及是否可以扣除. So, child support—can you deduct it? No!  它从来不是一个可扣除的项目,也从来不包括在收入中(这是好的部分)。. 然而,关于子女抚养的问题通常是抚养豁免. Who gets the dependency exemptions?  Well, 根据国内税收法和北卡罗莱纳儿童抚养准则, 过夜时间最多的人通常会获得抚养豁免. Now, the court can reassign it, but that’s the usual situation. 那么,如果你要支付子女抚养费,你想获得抚养豁免,而另一方父母愿意让你获得,或者你已经就此进行了协商? 那么你一定要有——我说一定要,并在上面划了线——表格8332,由最通宵的父母签署. You must attach this to your income tax return, otherwise, 国税局不会承认抚养豁免. 如果你的收入特别高你可能会想要获得抚养豁免, make sure they’re going to do you some good, 因为在高收入人群中会逐步取消抚养豁免.  In other words, you lose them. 对于这一点,或任何其他家庭法律问题,请皇冠足彩这里在皇冠足彩app. 
Carolyn Woodruff是一名家庭法专家,北卡罗来纳州注册会计师和注册商业估价师

How much child support will I pay/am I entitled to?

Jessica’s Answer: 我想和大家分享一下北卡罗来纳州的一些基本的子女抚养法. There are two basic kinds of child support cases in North Carolina. 第一种是指导性儿童抚养案件,第二种是非指导性儿童抚养案件. 当父母年收入合计为300美元时,子女抚养费是合适的,000 or less. 在这种情况下,指导方针将公布一张图表,说明每月应支付的子女抚养费数额. The number of overnights that you have with your child is key. If you have more than 123 overnights with your child per year, 然后你在照顾孩子期间的费用也要考虑在内. Other expenses such as health insurance, work-related daycare expenses, and extraordinary expenses are also considered. In your initial consultation with Woodruff Family Law Group, 我们会和你一起坐下来,根据你的情况,粗略地估计一下你可能期望支付或收到的子女抚养费.  感谢您抽出时间与我们一起审阅这些子女抚养费信息.  更多关于子女抚养费或任何其他家庭法问题的信息可以在我们的网站上找到. 
--Jessica Bullock is an attorney & Family Law Specialist with Woodruff Family Law Group

Can Grandparents obtain custody or visitation rights?

Carolyn’s Answer: 我们都知道祖父母和孙子有着非常特殊的关系, and we want to make sure that yours is protected. 有两种情况下,你可能需要法院的帮助,关于你的孙子:一个是如果父母变得不适合.  If both of the parents cannot care for the child, your grandchild, for whatever reason—it could be mental illness, it could be alcoholism, 吸毒或任何其他原因,那么你有权通过法院为你的孙子孙女寻求监护权. We can help you with that.  还有一段时间你可能需要祖父母探视权方面的帮助.  What if they won’t let you see your grandchildren? If your children, the natural parents, are going through a divorce, and they won’t let you see your grandchildren, 你有权要求法院给你一份探视时间表. And, you have to have a substantial relationship with your grandchildren; that’s the primary thing you’ll need to show.  我们将显示您的家庭相册和其他类似的信息.  对于这个或任何其他家庭法律问题,请皇冠足彩在这里皇冠足彩app. 
Carolyn Woodruff是一名家庭法专家,北卡罗来纳州注册会计师和注册商业估价师

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What is “The Seven Nights of Santa?”

Carolyn’s Answer: 《皇冠足彩app》是一本精美插图的儿童读物,旨在解决家庭分裂的孩子在圣诞节必须处理的问题. My husband, Dwight Ensley, and I are the coauthors of the book, and it’s inspired by Captain Green Eyes, who’s a real, stuffed, black kitty-cat that was given to him on the day he was born. 绿眼睛船长和小蛋糕的伙伴们一起去北极看圣诞老人. And at that trip the purpose is to resolve that well, 妈妈不住在一个家庭,爸爸也不住在一个家庭, why can’t we have Santa come to both houses on different nights. And Santa thinks this will make the reindeer too tired, 所以绿眼睛船长和小蛋糕兄弟说我们用双翼飞机拉雪橇, and the reindeer can ride in the sleigh.  And with that, 孩子们可以让绿眼睛队长和圣诞老人在七个不同的夜晚出现,这样如果爸爸过圣诞夜,妈妈就不会被遗漏,如果妈妈过圣诞夜,爸爸也不会被遗漏. And also the grandparents can have a night too.  跟我们一起踏上绿眼睛船长和圣诞老人的七夜之旅吧
Carolyn Woodruff是一名家庭法专家,北卡罗来纳州注册会计师和注册商业估价师